Reiki originated in Tibet thousands of years ago and was used by the Tibetan Lamas in the monasteries on their spiritual enlightenment journey. It is often translated as 'Universal life-force energy' or spiritual energy. It was rediscovered in the 1870's in Japan by Dr Mikao Usui. He found some ancient Sanskrit formulae and symbols. He found answers to his questions within these. He devoted his life to helping others and shared his knowledge. Today there are thousands of Reiki Masters who follow in the line of succession. Reiki training and healing can be found virtually anywhere in the world.
Reiki is a gentle, powerful universal energy and healing art that promotes an increase in energy and wellness. In the present day, the world it is greatly in need of this healing and unity. It is a very simple hands on or off bodywork method without using pressure, manipulation or massage. It is a powerful and sacred tool for healing and balance. Reiki has no religious base so is available to all whatever their age, gender or origin. All that is needed is a openness and willingness for change.
The Reiki Principles:
Just for today I will let go
of anger
Just for today I will let go
of worry
Today I will count my
many blessings
Today I will do my work
Today I will be kind to every living creature
I am a Fully approved Butterfly Touch Therapies Reiki Practitioner in Cancer Care. As a Reiki therapist, I cannot heal, cure, diagnose or prescribe. I can give my permission to be used as a channel for the Reiki energy healing. This energy will be used by your body and mind to go wherever it is needed most. It is a deeply relaxing treatment. It can help with grief, anger, pain, emotional upset, sleep issues, stress and anxiety. Reiki can also be the start of and the process of great personal growth and spiritual awareness. All are achieved through the increased flow of the life force Ki. Reiki changes lives for the better - if you are willing to let it in.
What to expect before during and after the treatment
I will complete a consultation form with you, then you will lay on a heated treatment couch, covered in a sheet or blanket, there is no need to remove any clothing, only shoes. We will start with some simple breathe work to aid in the relaxation process. Then I will channel the universal energy and start the Reiki therapy. You may feel sensations of heat, floating, tummy rumbling or you may feel nothing at all, apart from relaxed and tranquil. As part of the treatment I will balance your Chakras - spinning energy wheels that are associated with the seven main glands of the Endocrine system. Every Chakra corresponds to a specific aspect of human behaviour and development. The finer energy of the upper Chakras correspond to the mental and spiritual faculties. The seven chakras provide the right balance of energy to every part of your body, mind and spirit. I will then provide herbal tea or water and we will discuss what you may experience in the hours/days after the treatment.
Look well to this day
for it is life
the very best of life
in it's brief course lie all
the realities and truths of existence
the joy of growth,
the splendour of action,
the glory of power,
For yesterday is but a memory
and tomorrow is only a vision
but today if well lived, makes
every yesterday a memory of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope
look well therefore to this day
Ancient Sanskrit poem
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