Animal Reiki is the offering of Reiki to animals but it involves more than just applying human Reiki knowledge and skills. Animals do not communicate with us in the same way as we converse with one another. They are often not truly understood and similarly they do not always understand our communications or actions. However, animals are inherently more ‘aware of’ and ‘understanding of’ energy. They have used it historically to determine if strangers are friend or foe and many naturally appear to be very accepting of this calm energy.
As with humans, Reiki may benefit animals with physical, mental or emotional issues and consequently this holistic complementary therapy may also be of help for animals with behavioural problems that have an emotional basis or influence.
Reiki is not a magical cure and is not an alternative to conventional veterinary care but it is a natural, calm therapy that promotes the body’s natural process of self-healing and is enjoyed by many animals.
Animal Reiki is becoming increasingly recognised as a complementary therapy in its own right.
Practical reasons for offering Reiki to animals:
Greater comfort
Improved feeling of wellbeing
Promotion of relaxation which sometimes can lead to sleep
Greater sense of self
Peaceful transition for animals’ ready to pass over
In addition to the points above, Reiki practitioners and those who own and care for animals have repeatedly observed benefits beyond these. When the body (human or animal) is relaxed, it is in a state when it is best able to naturally heal itself and recover from illness, injury or other stress to the body.
Reiki encourages and supports positive personal choices and may help animals to better cope with life’s challenges. This energy is gentle and can be given to any animal or bird of any age should they wish to receive it. They do not need to be physically awake to decide. If their body does not wish to receive Reiki, the energy will not flow and when they have had enough again it will stop flowing as they no longer draw it from the practitioner.
Where practical and possible, before a session commences, notes will be gathered from the owner or carer. This will include details about the animal, the reason Reiki is sought, the animal’s character, temperament, a brief case history and any diagnoses, whether or not Reiki has been offered before, and if so, further relevant details.
The above information will determine how Reiki is best offered for the best results and to ensure safety for all.
In some instances, for example for wild or rescue animals, this background information will not be known.
The Animal Reiki treatment is non-diagnostic, non-interventionist, non-manipulative and no pressure is applied.
A session is typically carried out in the animal’s familiar surroundings where he/ she is most relaxed and comfortable. External noises and distractions should be minimised and if the animal is unknown to the practitioner or has not received Reiki before a hands-off approach is often how the treatment commences.
Reiki may be experienced as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, other sensations, or nothing at all. Some animals may wish to sniff a practitioners hands or step away slightly. Others may come closer offering their sore parts to the practitioner.
Reiki may be offered to animals in open or enclosed spaces e.g. in a stable, bird cage, field etc. as well as on their bed or where they like to relax.
The length of Reiki sessions may vary, but are usually half to one hour in duration.
*Information taken form the UK Reiki Federation. I am a registered Practitioner
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