Indian Head Massage is a relaxing and therapeutic way to relieve stress, ease pain, and improve circulation. The massage techniques performed, work on the mind body and spirit, restoring balance and harmony and generally improving the overall health of a person. It is based on the ancient healing system of Ayurvedic medicine. It's traditions date back over 5000 years in India and are common practice today.
The Indian head massage can either relax or stimulate. It involves a variety of massage techniques over the body's tissues, muscles, scalp and hair. It can be carried out seated or lying down and with or without oil, depending on the preference. Helping to reduce stress and ease tension, this massage also can improve migraine and headache pains, improve circulation, and can also promote hair growth. The Indian head massage renews and balances energy levels by working with the three higher chakras. It also relieves any symptoms of depression and anxiety through the relaxation process.
The aim of an Indian head massage is to release the stress that has been building up in the tissues, muscles and joints of the head, face, neck, and shoulders. It uses a range of different movements including deep kneading and compression movements over the arms and hands, neck, shoulder, and scalp areas. It may help increase joint mobility and flexibility in the neck and shoulder region and has been known to improve blood circulation and lymphatic flow. Using extra pressure, this massage is one of the best-known ways to free up any knots of muscular tension, relax connective tissue and aid in the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste products.
It has many benefits:
A sense of well being
Soothes tense muscles
Increased energy flow, creating balance and calm feelings
Stress relief
Slows down breathing and heart rate, helping reduce anxiety
Promotes sleep and rest.
Relieves mental fatigue
Promotes hair growth
What to expect before, during and after the treatment
I will conduct a thorough consultation checking health details and suitability for the treatment. Then the treatment can begin and will last approximately 45-60 minutes. herbal tea and water will be offered afterwards and then we'll go through the aftercare and what to expect in the hours/days after treatment.
I can also do an express treatment lasting 30 mins, concentrating on the neck, head and scalp only.
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