Having a massage whilst pregnant is a relaxing and therapeutic way to relieve stress, ease pain and improve sleep. Strengthens immune system and stimulates the release of pain blocking chemicals e.g. Serotonin. Soothe those aching back and leg muscles by reducing sciatic pain. Reduces Oedema, fluid retention in the ankles feet and legs, improves blood flow, circulation by increasing oxygenation of tissues and muscles.
Fully supported in various positions, your comfort is paramount. Your mood will be improved, you'll be calm and relaxed. Natural oils and formulated for pregnancy.
This massage is available from 13th week, 2nd trimester when any morning sickness has usually passed and you are beginning to feel more with it. Your body will be changing making ready and growing.
What to expect before, during and after the treatment
We'll go through a detailed consultation, checking out medical conditions, how you are feeling, discuss positioning and comfort. Explain the massage, you can give me feedback as we go along, as to how you feel. I will be using Effleurage, Petrissage and tapping techniques and gentle movements. Full body massage, with supported cushions and pillows, you will be seated and on the couch, making sure you are comfortable. Back, shoulders neck, arms hands, legs and feet and gentle massage on the tummy area if you want, your choice. Afterwards we'll go through the aftercare routine with a glass of water or herbal tea.
You will leave feeling refreshed and relaxed, your muscles soothed.
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